DIY Everywhere - Arts & Crafts
Carpenter invests 20 years to build real life replica of Noah's ark. Check it out
Annie Walton Doyle
Contributing Writer
DIY Everywhere - Arts & Crafts
Apply super glue to a bobby pin, and put together this easy accessory
Morgan Randall
Contributing Writer
DIY Everywhere - Arts & Crafts
Cut up a plastic yogurt cup, and construct this homespun deck adornment
Morgan Randall
Contributing Writer
DIY Everywhere - Arts & Crafts
Place the bobby pin onto a craft stick, and construct this spooky look
Carolyn Comeau
Contributing Writer
DIY Everywhere - Arts & Crafts
Purchase yarn at the store, and reproduce this cute look
Morgan Randall
Contributing Writer
DIY Everywhere - Arts & Crafts
Get tissue paper at the store, and copy this impressive DIY
Kasey Van Dyke
Contributing Writer
DIY Everywhere - Arts & Crafts
Lay out two ties forming an 'x' and make this tasteful project
Mikella Marley
Contributing Writer
DIY Everywhere - Arts & Crafts
Whip out a sheet of tissue paper and Mod Podge and a corkboard & copy this decor
Kasey Van Dyke
Contributing Writer
DIY Everywhere - Arts & Crafts
Purchase tissue paper at the store and reproduce this simple idea
Kasey Van Dyke
Contributing Writer
DIY Everywhere - Arts & Crafts
Grab 24 neck ties & copy this project
Mikella Marley
Contributing Writer
DIY Everywhere - Arts & Crafts
Snatch up 18 neck ties & copy this idea
Mikella Marley
Contributing Writer
DIY Everywhere - Arts & Crafts
Mom took out some scrap denim & build this sweet project
Kasey Van Dyke
Contributing Writer
DIY Everywhere - Arts & Crafts
Cut up tissue paper and make this homey DIY
Kasey Van Dyke
Contributing Writer
DIY Everywhere - Arts & Crafts
Purchase bobby pins at the store and reproduce this painless project
Carolyn Comeau
Contributing Writer
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